
The style defines several new environments to make the formatting of songbooks easier and more consistent. Most of them have parameters, and care must be taken when using them. Unless otherwise noted, all of the environments are verse-like: wrapped lines are indented more than the first line.

begin{SBChorus}...the chorus ... end{SBChorus}
is the environment to wrap around a chorus that you wish to be indented and given a chorus tag (``Ch:''). A song with one verse and one chorus, where the chorus is sung after the verse would probably use the SBChorus environment. Whereas, if the chorus was sung first, an SBVerse environment would probably be used.

begin{SBExtraKeys}{song content} end{SBExtraKeys}
is the environment used when you wish to list the song again in another key. Typically, this environment is used along with an STitle command. For example:
\STitle{You Alone}{D}...

begin{SBOccurs}{occurrence tag} end{SBOccurs}
is the environment used to mark a given line of the song with a tag and brackets. An example usage is to mark the line of the song played to end the piece, if it is somehow different than the chords played if one were to repeat the song. For example:
\begin{verbatim}Be\Ch{Am}{cause} of \Ch{Dm7}{what} the...
...F}{thanks,}\Ch{C/F}{} \Ch{Bb/F}{}...

begin{SBVerse}...the chorus ... end{SBVerse}
is the environment to wrap around a verse that you wish to be indented and given a verse number ( SBVerseCnt). A song with one chorus and one verse, where the verse is sung after the verse would probably use the SBChorus environment. Whereas, if the chorus was sung first, an SBVerse environment would probably be used.

begin{song}...parameters ... end{song}
is the environment which each song resides within. The parameter list is quite long, and is defined as:
  1. Song title;
  2. Key song is written in;
  3. Copyright information;
  4. Name(s) of composer and lyricist;
  5. Scripture reference for the song;
  6. Copyright licensing information.
The song environment takes care of making index entries, incrementing SBSongCnt and page generation (if necessary). See the EXAMPLE section, below, for a sample one-song songbook document.

begin{xlatn}...parameters ... end{xlatn}
is the song translation environment. The parameter list is defined as:
  1. Translated song title (in the foreign language);
  2. Translation permission;
  3. Who performed the translation.
The xlatn environment always occurs within a song environment; it resets the verse counter, causes the title and other parameter information to be displayed, and makes the appropriate index and table of contents entries. It is important for the xlatn environment to occur within a song environment, because the xlatn environment inherits the song environment's everypar definition.